Effective July 10, 2020 Betty MacMillian has retired from Port Saint John. Natalie Allaby is the new Cruise Development Manager 506-977-3456 nallaby@sjport.com

Saint John, New Brunswick Last Updated On: 4/7/2020


Last Updated On: 4/7/2020
St. Martin’s Sea Caves
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Attraction Details
These unique caves were created by physical erosion and are made of rocks and sandstones that formed 250 million years ago. The landscape around the caves is affected by the high and low tides cycle of the Fundy Bay, which has the highest tides in the world. Specifically, during low tide, you can walk on the ocean floor to the caves and go inside. When the high tide (which can reach to 11 meters high and up) comes in, the ocean floor disappears and the caves are fully submerged in water.
Highlights of Venue
The amount of water that flows in and out of the Bay of Fundy in a day is equal to all of the water pumped into ALL of the oceans by all of the rivers of the earth!
Activity Level
Expect a moderate amount of walking.
Family Friendly
Where is it Located
Village of St. Martin's
Time From City Center
30 mins
Time From Port
30 mins